Toplist Doesnt Appear

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Joined: Thu May 21, 2015 5:28 pm

Toplist Doesnt Appear

Post by CelebPorn »

Im setting up the toplist. When I preview the toplist it appears perfectly as expected.
But, when I try either codes
include "/dir/toplist/toplist.html";

<!--#include virtual=""/dir/toplist/toplist.html" -->

There is no error - there is just no toplist appearing.
I haven't sent or received traffic yet so Im thinking that there may be a button somewhere to allow trades to appear without sending traffic.
That, or maybe I need to add a niche for the toplist and then assign each trade to a niche? I did add a toplist name for each trade, just not a niche since it is all celeb.

Thanks for any help.
Posts: 226
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:11 pm

Re: Toplist Doesnt Appear

Post by Rock »

Hello, CelebPorn.

Without additional details I can't give you a definite answer. You don't need to 'add niches', or allow trades to 'appear without sending traffic'. If your toplist displays correctly in preview, it should also display in your webpage.

Your problem is most likely related to the way you've included the toplist. Make sure to use the correct file output path, and to place the include code in the appropriate file/place. You can also contact me on ICQ and I'll try to help you out.

Best regards,
I am a moderator on this forum and I handle part of TE support. ICQ: 651089602
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