Good, normal, bad country groups: You can enable detailed GNB statistics, select country groups, enable small graph for the main stats table and more.
Bulk add: It allows you to import trades from any trade script.
Simple installer: It allows you to perform new installations and server moves for free, whenever required. Everyone should be skilled enough to use it.
Update manager: Allows you to update your TE from inside the admin interface by a simple click.
Click back: See how many surfers continue clicking on your site after being sent to an individual trade. "Click back" feature is also supported by "custom algorithm". Using this feature many webmasters increased their traffic.
Thumb grabber: It can auto download thumbnails from your trade's web page to create dynamic image toplists.
Dynamic skimming: If you experience server problems, have a bad set of thumbs / links on your page or your productivity is affected by some other issue(s), dynamic skim can help you balance outgoing traffic to some extend.
New webmaster default variables: Trade status (enabled / disabled) and dynamic skim parameters added. You can now set trades that signup through the webmaster page to be disabled by default.
Capping: Min prod, max prod, min size (based on raws or clicks), max size, min value, max out ratio (based on raws or clicks)
Max clicks per surfer: Clicks higher than "max clicks" set are counted under "capped" clicks. Surfers who reached max clicks can be sent to galleries only.
Max links allowed: Stop adding new links automatically to the "statistics / links" table, if link report database reaches "max links" variable. This security feature can prevent attacks on your link report system.
No label clicks: You can now see detailed clicks for links that are not labeled ("l=name" parameter) in the "statistics / links" menu.
Blocked IPs to gallery: You can now set blocked IPs to be send to galleries.
Default skim parameter: Can be now set for trades signed up through the webmaster page.
Owed ratio column + owed force: It can be displayed and sorted in the main stats table using the interface wizard.
Blocked trade excluded: It has been excluded from the totals in overview, detailed, pagestat, sites ,history and graph
Automatic outlist: Automatic mode for the outgoing list has been added and it is set as default.
Bounced protection added: Some trades will send your own surfers back to you. Enable this option and they won't be credited.
History reset: Reset option for history has been added to the mass edit form.
History summaries: For faster page reloading you can now limit history to display vertical and trade / total summary only.
Outgoing uniques: You can display them in the main stats table and on the last24h and history toplist. This feature is very useful for bloggers.
Remote tracking: Some people prefer having trade script installed on a separate server for security and performance reasons.
Automatic download for GeoIP database: One simple click inside admin interface and Geo IP database is downloaded and imported into your TE.
Links sort: You can now sort "statistics / links" table by link name, hourly stats or total stats.
Link detailed sort: You can now sort "statistics / links" table by link name, hourly stats or total stats.
Size of the "tedata" directory added to the footer:
Cron failure: Blinking "Cron failure" message with instructions what to do will occur in the footer, if for any reason main TE cronjob is not being executing anymore.
File integrity checker: If your server ever gets compromised, there is a high possibility attacker will modify or replace TE files. In the past "o.cgi" was replaced and the new file was redirecting part of the traffic to the destination of attacker's choice. Using this module you can perform file integrity check.
Push to size / Push ratio: You can specify trade volume (incoming raw hits) you want to reach for this trade using "push to size" parameter. If "push to size" parameter is not equal 0 and incoming raws are smaller than the value set, return algo will use "Push ratio" instead of normal ratio to extra push the trade. Once the incoming raws reach "push to size" value, "push ratio" gets disabled and normal "ratio" is in use again.
Color: You can set a background color for the domain name field in the overview table to easier spot some trades. Manually input color name or hexadecimal value into the color field or simply click on the color chart icon, select the desired color and the value will be automatically filled in. You can also set default color for trades signed up through the webmaster page.
Basic pages: This is an "options / index pages" feature. In the previous versions of TE, you could only add a limited number of advanced pages to the system (depends on the size of your site). You can now add as many "basic" pages to the system as you like.
Multi domain / Remove selected trades from the whole network: If you have a network of TE sites and you don't want to trade with specific trade(s) anymore, you can delete
them accross your whole network with a single action.
Multi domain / tedata size: View the size of your "tedata" directory for all your sites in the network in the "statistics / sites" menu.
Multi domain / GeoIP version: View GeoIP database version for all your sites in the network in the "statistics / sites" menu.
More than one botlink: Add as many bot links to the system as you want. You can of course display botlink stats for each trade in the "statistics / overview" table for the last hour / last24h.
Trash: When you are deleting trades from the "statistics / overview" menu using <a href=##sname##&name=overview.cgi>mass edit</a> (delete tab), you can select if you want to move deleted trades into the trash or not. If you will ever want to add the same trade back to the database, you will be notified that the respective trade is in the trash. You can recover that trade from the trash along with the trade data.
Blacklist / Name server: If someone keeps adding unwanted trades into your database and the domains he has added are assigned to the same name servers, you can blacklist the whole name server to prevent further sign ups.
General menu simplified: "Options / general" menue has been simplified and several new features have been added as well.
Intuitive admin interface: It has been further improved and simplified. You will find mouse-overs, quick-help boxes and a direct link to the respective topic in the manual in each menu.
New multi task menu: Javascript multi task (drop down) menu has been totally rewritten. "Overview" menu loads for 70% faster now.
Bug fixes:
Numerous bugs were fixed. We will keep writting a detailed "bug fix" log for all further versions.